Monday, February 14, 2011

ELMO Ideas

I found this on the ELMO website for any of you that would be interested in seeing how other teachers use thier ELMO's.!.pdf

There are pictures provided at the end of each section so you can just scroll down to the pictures instead of reading the article.

Burning Question

What I am most interested in learning about is really broad.  I don't want to know about any one thing I just want to learn the best way to make technology work for me and how it will help my students.  I don't know of any one program or object that I am most interested in.  I need to learn about all of them!  I have been out of the classroom for 5 years and I don't know anything about Smartboards or Elmo's or even what new programs are out there.  I don't know what AIMS web is or how to use the technology out there to interpret IDMS test scores.   I just have too many questions at this point to narrow it down.